Monday, October 7, 2019

Cell Phone Pictures

These are from oldest to newest with the oldest being from September 30th and the newest being from October 7th.  As much as I love the pictures I set-up with my lights and camera, I also love sharing these cell phone pictures with you that give a bit more of a behind the scenes look at live with this little kitten.  Kitten has gotten a bit spoiled by being allowed to sleep on my lap.  She's getting old enough that she wants more time to play and less time to sleep.  She's gotten pretty good at using the litter box, but she isn't perfect yet.  I also started the process of weaning her on Saturday by mixing wet cat food into her bottle of milk replacer.  She loves this new food and has become much more crazy with wanting to bite absolutely everything.  So, these pictures represent a lot of changes for Kitten.  Most of these changes are harder to see in pictures.  She is definitely getting bigger, but that doesn't come through very well in pictures because if she's awake, she wants to play, which often includes stalking and being low to the ground which makes her look smaller.  I have a very hard time getting her to stand up or sit up for you to tell how tall she is now.  I also take a lot more videos with my phone than photos now since she's always on the move.

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