Monday, March 26, 2018

Car Rides

I don't know why, but I just love how concerned Beren looks in this picture.  He didn't like having to wait for my hubby to join us in the car.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Sick Pup

Last night Beren fell asleep trying to play with his ball.  He then had some diarrhea and had to get a quick bath to clean up what got in his fur.  

This morning, my poor babe had bloody stool.  He clearly felt so sick and weak that he was falling asleep when sitting up.

Our awesome vet was able to see him today.  He wasn't wanting to explore or even sit between my legs like he usually does when he is nervous.  He was so tired, he laid down.  He has a fever again.  He does not have parasites or a virus, so this is a bacteria issue in his gut that is causing him to bleed.  He's back on antibiotics and also probiotics.  I wish my babe never got sick and that all of these health issues would just go away.  It's so hard for me to see him on his bad days from his heart condition and even worse when he is sick on top of that.  He's been sleeping at my feet all day.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Play Date with Max and Scarlett!

Beren had a play date today with Max and Scarlett.  As usual, Max was grumpy and felt left out since he can't move around as well as the young pups.  And as usual, Scarlett was crazy and had so much fun chasing and being chased by Beren.  Oh, and also as usual, Beren didn't like that they wanted to nap when he wanted to keep playing.  I have some videos I'll try to get posted later.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Crazy Eater

My brother sent me a video of what his crazy cat does when she eats, so I of course I had to get a video of what my crazy pup does when he eats!  Truth is, he often skips meals.  We are always struggling to convince him to eat.  We know loss of appetite is a side affect of his heart problem.  We have had to be creative in convincing this guy to eat which sometimes means giving him lots of toys to play with while also eating.  It works, and its funny when he "talks" to his toys!  

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Chasing his Tail

I forgot to post this, but I found it in my phone.  I love when grown up dogs chase their tails.  SO cute!