Saturday, July 16, 2022

Some of my favorite leaves

I really love the plants I have!  Sometimes I want more, but generally I realize that what I have is the right amount of work for me and not causing too much clutter so I am able to really enjoy the ones I do have.  They also are thriving which is fun, but sometimes feels a wee bit overwhelming because I am not sure how I feel about how fast some of them are growing.  Again, I am weird about wanting to find balance of having beautiful things like these plants that bring me joy, and also wanting lots of open space for my soul to breath.  I've been telling Joe that I think I want to get rid of some plants because that balance seems a little off now as many of them are getting so much bigger.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Weird Kitties

Arien is such a little weirdo, but it makes me love her even more!  I never quite know what to expect from her when she gets into a silly mood.  I caught her laying on the window sill behind this chair trying to squeeze through the tiny gap.  She was trying so hard to attack me, but couldn't quite get those mittens through.  So dumb, weird, and cute!  Kira often tries to hide when Arien is going crazy.  That is unless Kira is also going crazy at the same time, in which case stuff normally gets knocked over and broken.  But it's okay because I love them.  😁