Monday, January 17, 2022


I posted elsewhere that my plant collection that I've had for years has grown a lot in the last year.  I find myself taking pictures of some of my pretty plants and I didn't really know where to share them so for a while I just didn't.  I think I've decided to share them here.  I know this is the spot where you come to see my cute cats, but now you'll also get some pretty plants.  😁


This tiny thing is a String of Pearls from my sister.  She's on her third one and I asked for a cutting to try my hand at them.  So consider this the before picture.  Hopefully in a few months I can show some beautiful growth!

I actually ended up giving away this Pink Polka Dot plant to a friend of mine.  I originally got it as part of an arrangement with other plants from Lowes.  It was half off because they all looked pretty sad and were half dead.  I didn't really have high hopes for this because it was so tiny and sad looking, but it grew fast and even flowered for me.  All the other sad looking plants from that arrangement are also flourishing with the exception of the Croton which was in such bad shape that I misidentified it, didn't provide it with enough light due to my misunderstanding of what it was, and it declined even more until it died.  Truthfully, I'm not even the slightest bit upset about that one.  Hahahaha!

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Demanding Kitties

I love these pretty kitties!  Arien has become much more affectionate the last couple months which has been especially evident due to her seeking attention and even cuddles from Joe and our friends instead of just me.  She's also been worse about waking us up during the night, but hopefully that was just because of Christmas Break and she'll get back to the regular schedule again.  I've actually noticed that Kira has been more demanding for cuddles.  She can be almost scary about it when she wants it.  A lot of times she will lay on the mouse pad and bite my finger while I try to work.  Or she climbs into my lap and aggressively pushes my arms or whatever else out of her way so she can lay exactly how she wants.  These two definitely keep us on our toes!