Kira was being super cute while I had my camera out to photograph the hamsters so of course I got some pictures of her too. She's so rotund, voluptuous, and fluffy. I love her so much. She's great at keeping me company during the day as I'm working while Arien sleeps. ❤
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
I've been working on cleaning up my folders of pictures from last year and came across these pictures of flowers that I forgot to edit. With how cold and dead everything is right now, these bright colors fill me with excitement for spring to get here soon so I can get back to gardening. I'm especially proud of these flowers because it was my first time growing flowers from seeds. 💛
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Kira Playing
Kira is absolutely obsessed with the little puff balls you can buy for crafts or whatever. We had a small pink one that came in a pack of cat toys that she utterly adored. She would get so crazy playing with it that we worried she'd lose it. So we decided we wanted to buy her more. Joe found a pack of 50 on Amazon that had all the colors of the rainbow, including pink. They aren't exactly the same as her original favorite pink one, but she loves them all. They mostly stay in our basement and every few weeks, I get a yard stick and get them all out from under the couches where they've collected out of her reach. Kira gets so excited to have them all available again. She goes crazy downstairs and brings many of them upstairs. Every couple of days I gather the ones I see upstairs and throw them back down the stairs. Eventually they all seem to disappear again and the cycle repeats with me clearing them all out from under the couches.
We did lose the OG pink one for over a year. This past summer, I was determined to find it, so over a few weeks, I searched the house. I had kinda given up when I ended up cleaning under the shelves that the hamster cages sit on and found it! She was thrilled to have her OG pink ball again.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
I'm grateful for the sun, especially on these cold days. I had to capture my beautiful cats who were also enjoying the sun. I love how Kira practically glows. 😁
Thursday, January 9, 2025
Cat Hoodie
I ordered a hoodie for Arien to wear since we noticed how calm and chill she was when wearing the donut. I struggled to know what size to get and I ultimately choose to get a small after taking her measurements. I was able to get it on her, but it was definitely quite small... 😂
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Donut Cat!
A couple of months ago I noticed that Arien had a sore on her tummy. I thought that her and Kira had gotten into a rough fight, and maybe Kira bit her hard enough to break the skin some. I took a picture and decided to keep an eye on it. Over the next few weeks I'd notice she'd be licking that spot a lot and I'd take a look at it and take another picture. Eventually I realized that she still had the spot and it had been 2 months since I first became aware of it. So she went to the vet. The vet felt that it was actually an allergic reaction to something in her environment changing. I avoid changing things, especially with the cats, but I also don't have control over the companies I purchase things from making changes without me knowing. So anyways, I have zero idea what caused this, but in order for it to heal, she needed to quit grooming it. Thus I bought the donut of shame. The first picture is quite literally Arien's immediate react to it. But as you scroll through, you may notice that she doesn't look mad in the later pictures. In fact, Arien almost seemed to like the donut. We noticed she was so calm and chill. Not only did she not hide in the basement while it rained, but she sat in the window to watch the rain. We consider making her wear the donut for the rest of her life, but that's not actually feasible. Haha! Plus, Kira was initially terrified of it and therefore of Arien. And while Kira got over her fear of Arien in the donut, they were no longer playing together. So we enjoyed the calm and chillness of Arien in the donut and looked into buying her a sweatshirt to wear instead as a long-term solution to when we need Arien to chill or not be afraid.